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Common Causes of
Back & Neck Pain
Spinal neglect is a very common problem and a major cause of neck and back pain. If you have ongoing back and neck pain, chances are you are experiencing the effects of poor biomechanical function. Poor biomechanical function will cause increased pressure in one or more spinal joints that cause nervous system imbalance. The effects of nervous system imbalance result in poor health however, the most obvious symptoms are lack of motion, abnormal muscle tightness and pain.
When your spinal joints are under abnormal pressure for long periods of time they undergo internal damage. The damage, if left untreated, will result in permanent damaging effects that are visible with diagnostic X-Ray (Figure 1). You will undergo similar effects as aging however, only in specified joints. The "aging" is visual evidence of the degeneration process due to neglect.
Spinal degeneration is graded in phases as demonstrated in figure 1. We grade phases of degeneration as phase I, Phase II, or Phase III. Damaged joints progressively get worse, which explains the ongoing and progressive back and neck pain. Internally damaged joints undergo increased amounts of daily pressure because they are weight bearing joints holding your entire body while you are undergoing normal daily living. Over time the surrounding deep muscles, ligaments and bone get progressively weaker until they are pushed beyond their limits. This results in more symptoms we call flare ups of an underlying condition. These flare ups will cause even more damage if correct chiropractic care is not applied. The circle of events continue and result in premature degeneration (aging) and a progressively poor quality of life.
When your spinal joints are under abnormal pressure for long periods of time they undergo internal damage. The damage, if left untreated, will result in permanent damaging effects that are visible with diagnostic X-Ray (Figure 1). You will undergo similar effects as aging however, only in specified joints. The "aging" is visual evidence of the degeneration process due to neglect.
Spinal degeneration is graded in phases as demonstrated in figure 1. We grade phases of degeneration as phase I, Phase II, or Phase III. Damaged joints progressively get worse, which explains the ongoing and progressive back and neck pain. Internally damaged joints undergo increased amounts of daily pressure because they are weight bearing joints holding your entire body while you are undergoing normal daily living. Over time the surrounding deep muscles, ligaments and bone get progressively weaker until they are pushed beyond their limits. This results in more symptoms we call flare ups of an underlying condition. These flare ups will cause even more damage if correct chiropractic care is not applied. The circle of events continue and result in premature degeneration (aging) and a progressively poor quality of life.
Altered Brain and Nervous System
Mechanoreceptor Activation Inhibits Pain
Pain is perceived in the brain only when nerves are stimulated by damaged tissue. This a another complex function that is necessary for our health and survival. When damage occurs in your body free nerve endings are stimulated thru receptors called nociceptors. Nociceptor stimulation sends messages to your brain thru a complex network of nerves. Ultimately, the signal ends up in the brain where pain is perceived (Figure 4).
Pain is also perceived when your brain is lacking in mechanoreceptor activation. Mechanoreceptor stimulation inhibits pain therefore, when not stimulated enough nociceptor activity can reach the brain resulting in pain perception. This results in pain syndromes that leave most doctors confused because of the complexity of its cause. To make this easier to understand remember that mechanoreceptor activation inhibits nociceptor activation (pain). Mechanoreceptors are found in great abundance in your spine. Mechanoreceptors are even found in your discs. They are found in all joints of the body. Mechanoreceptors are found throughout your body, even in your skin. Mechanoreceptors give your brain constant appraisal of body position and posture. The more mechanoreceptor stimulation we give our brain the more the brain can express our health. Mechanoreceptor activation inhibits pain and the neuroplasticity, or adaptation, of our nervous system can help correct pain syndromes. Chiropractic treatment directly stimulates mechanoreceptors in an attempt to restore function allowing you to live a better quality of life.